Prayer request

We want to pray for you! 

Let us know what's happening in your life here...

Pray for others

We are a family and we believe in the power of agreement. 

Pray for the needs below! 


It's silly prayer request but important to me I lost my kids EBT sandbox card they get it for the summer with food on it to buy food and I don't know where it's at I am going to check my managers cuz they were making copies of stuff to update the paperwork for living in my apartment I'm hoping that they have it she was kind of going crazy with getting different paperwork and different copies of stuff so I'm hoping it's there but it had money on there and it was kind of important to us but I leave it in God's hands that they maybe can give me another one or whatever happens just keep me in prayer thank you.


Can everyone please pray for my Grandma who is at the hospital, she has blood clots in her lungs and has anemia, so they did a blood transfusion on her, she also tested positive for influenza A flu, she’s just not doing well but I know with the power of prayers, God will be her healer


Diagnosed today with cancer


Plz keep the Montalvo family in ur prayers we lost noah Montalvo last sunday night he was also a father and a friend im one of his friends noah was also a member of the church


I’m going through a lot this past months from homelessness and struggling with mental health from being down and depressed. God has closed doors like ending a job that didn’t make me happy to offering me an opportunity to work for Long Beach county and make great income which I start training on the 28th of July which is a whole month but with that also comes the place I’m living at not wanting me to be there because I’ll be a month behind on rent, but at the same time that house is filled with toxicity and depression, the owners kids live there and they snakes.. they act like your friend and then yell at you for having a friend over, I rent a room and I’m not happy there so gods removing these things out of my life which I accept but I do get sad because I have been fighting back and forth homelessness, i have no drug addictions nor alcoholism , im a sober person that has been through a lot since my parents passed away when i was a kid, i hate talking about it because i dont want to play the victim card at all. And then my family always disliked me all through my youth both verbally and physically abusive environment.. I suffer ptsd and abandonment trauma from what my therapist is saying which explains my anxiety and stuff, I have a habit to isolate from the world and I just don’t feel like myself anymore. My best friend I call my brother Nick Verrocchi referred me to you guys, i need a family community something I lagged all my life, I spend so many years alone and homeless finding my path in life, tattooed for 11 years 5 years professionally at a shop. I used 2-3 years of my homelessness to apprenticeship at a shop and I would help a liquor store restockin the morning and at night and they would give me frozen burritos and a soda because it’s all I wanted, I feel god has a purpose for me in life but I still don’t understand what it could be.. thank you for reading and I hope to hear from you guys.